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Schedule of Events

The recordings are now available for purchase!

Friday, October 20 (all virtual)

8:30 - 9:00


Log on early to chat with other people participating in the event!  It's also a great time to get familiar with the Zoom Event technology.  You will have one sign-on and then an opportunity to easily pick which sessions you would like to attend without having to juggle multiple zoom links!

9:00 - 10:00

Unleashing the Power of Plant-based Diets

Brenda Davis, RD, Plant-based Nutrition Pioneer; Author, Plant-Powered Protein

According to the World Health Organization noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are responsible from 74% of all deaths globally. Yet, an estimated 90% of type 2 diabetes, 80-90% of heart disease and 40-70% of cancers are considered entirely preventable. The lowest rates of NCDs are in populations living healthy lifestyles and eating unprocessed, plant-based diets. In this presentation, Brenda Davis, RD, plant-based trailblazer, author, and internationally acclaimed speaker, will review the evidence supporting the use of plant-based diets for the prevention and treatment of NCDs. She will share her experiences in using a plant-based diet and lifestyle protocol in a type 2 diabetes clinical trial in the Marshall Islands, and in a lifestyle medicine demonstration project in Lithuania. Brenda will discuss the reasons why plant-based diets afford protection and provide practical guidelines for designing an optimal plant-based diet for disease prevention, treatment, and reversal. The benefits of plant-based diets beyond human health will also be addressed.

10:00 - 10:30

Animal-based Protein: Debunking the Myth

T. Colin Campbell, PhD, Author, The China Study, Whole; Founder, the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

The myth that animal-based protein is better than plant-based protein has been created based on serious bias and false evidence. Join Dr. Campbell as he discusses how our century-old virtual worship of animal protein has actually led to heart disease and cancer.

10:30 - 10:40


Use this time to stretch, make a phone call, or chat with other participants in the Zoom Event Lobby!

10:40 - 11:40

A Discussion with Rich Landau

Rich Landau, Chef; Co-Owner of Vedge and Ground Provisions

Chef Landau will discuss the evolution of plant-based dining from the 1990's until now, plus where he says it going in the future.  Plus learn how to make plant-based food delicious and how, because of his cooking philosophy and approach, his restaurants are able to satisfy omnivores, who are 95% of his clientele.  Challenge your assumptions about plant-based cooking! 

Nutritional Balance with Soy Products and Sea Vegetables

Patricio Garcia de Paredes, Macrobiotic Chef, Author, Co-Founder, Macrobiotic Global Institute

Two elements of a balanced plant based way of eating that are healthy and can greatly enhance nutritional balance by replacing some of the nutrients that we commonly obtain from animal products include traditional soy products and sea vegetables. In this cooking demonstration, Patricio will share some innovative ideas for cooking with tofu and sea vegetables that are easy and surprisingly delicious.

A Taste of Heritage and Health: Plant-Based Foods of the African Diaspora

Adante Hart, Registered Dietitian, Oldways

This session will explore the rich history and diversity of plant-based foods from the African Diaspora. The cultural significance of these foods, their nutritional value, and how they can be incorporated into a healthy diet will be discussed. Participants will also learn about A Taste of African Heritage, a program that has been promoting these foods in communities across the U.S. for over a decade. The session will conclude with a cooking demonstration of a plant-based meal rooted in the African Diaspora.

11:40 - 12:15 

Lunch Break

Stay logged into the Zoom Event lobby so you can network with other participants via chat!  

12:15 - 1:15

Getting In Your Best Shape Yet on a Plant-Based Diet

Giacomo Marchese and Dani Taylor, VeganProteins and PlantBuilt co-founders

Discover how to break free from dietary dogma and power up with an athlete-centered, plant-based diet. In this presentation, Giacomo & Dani will guide you through the process of streamlining your approach to nutrition and training. Gain a clear understanding of establishing an unwavering routine that not only feels great but also propels you into your peak physical condition.

Macrobiotic Perspectives on the Future of Food for Personal and Planetary Health

Patricio Garcia de Paredes, Macrobiotic Chef, Author, co-Founder of Macrobiotic Global Institute

Our food choices today directly impact our health and the planet. And that is good news because changing our way of eating is something that everyone can do. Join Patricio as he presents a set of healthy dietary guidelines that promote nutritional balance and offer suggestions for nourishing humanity in a more efficient, sustainable way.

Greener Partners:  Supporting School Programs and Healthy Kids!

Meg MacCurtin, President, Greener Partners

Meg MacCurtin, Executive Director of Greener Partners, will discuss the power of garden-based food education in influencing student's healthy eating behaviors. With only one in ten Americans eating the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, the need for farm-to-school education is critical. Greener Partners works with over 25 Philadelphia-area schools annually, connecting youth to where their food comes from and how it grows. Learn ways to engage youth in school, community, and home gardens and create excitement and joy around eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Meg will share seed-to-plate activities for learners of all ages.

1:15 - 1:25


Use this time to stretch, make a phone call, or chat with other participants in the Zoom Event Lobby!

1:25 - 2:20

Nutrition and Addiction: What do we know?

Adam Sud, Nutrition and Behavior Change Expert

Adam Sud will discuss what is actually taking place when it comes to substance use disorder, why it makes sense, and how nutrition may be a valuable tool in substance use disorder recovery based upon his research study, The Infinite Study, the very first controlled trial investigating the effects of a nutrient dense diet for early addiction recovery and mental health outcomes in treatment centers. 

Regenerative Seaweed Farming - Growing Food That's Good for the Planet (and You!)

Lisa Scali, Entrepreneur & Foodie; co-Owner of Ocean's Balance

Join Lisa Scali of Ocean's Balance, the award-winning, vertically integrated Maine seaweed company, for a fascinating talk about the cultivation of seaweed in the Gulf of Maine. She'll walk you through the process from seed to harvest to post-harvest processing, and explain the many benefits - both environmental and economic - of farming seaweed.

Reconciling with the Past: For the Future of Food and the Planet

Cory Davis, PAg, Professional Agrologist

Cory Davis, Agrologist, provides a brief history of animal exploitation that reshaped the ecologies of North America. In this new landscape, he discusses how our current agricultural system perpetuates a painful legacy of oppression through land-ownership, wildlife conflicts, and other environmental impacts. Then, he will provide personal strategies to untether ourselves from that system, and support agricultural economies that will move us toward a more sustainable future for the long-term benefit of people and the planet.

2:20 - 2:30 


Use this time to stretch, make a phone call, or chat with other participants in the Zoom Event Lobby!

2:30 - 3:30

Get Hip on Healing Foods: Food as Medicine and the Energetic Properties of Foods

Sheri-Lynn DeMaris

You may have heard the phrase, "Your kitchen is your medicine cabinet." But what does that actually mean? Many foods carry healing properties. The key is learning how to harness that energy! Join Sheri in the Future of Food Kitchen as she demonstrates some simple-to-learn healing remedies and dishes which she teaches you about the energy of food.

Holistic Health Through Cleansing & Fasting

FJ Leto, Health and Wellness Entrepreneur; Founder, Juice Dr. and Willow Creek Wellness Retreat

Join FJ Leto as we delve into a diverse array of cleansing methods, including juicing, fasting, food-based, and supplement-based approaches. Discover how these mindful techniques can rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit, as we demystify the proper protocols and history behind them. Explore the power of physical, mental and emotional detoxification, nourishing your well-being from the inside out, and harness the benefits of holistic cleansing to ignite energy, clarity, balance and transformation.

3:30 - 3:45


Use this time to stretch, make a phone call, or chat with other participants in the Zoom Event Lobby!

3:45 - 4:45

The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health

Neal D. Barnard, MD, FACC, President, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Many disease processes reflect the actions of hormones or, in some cases, hormonal dysfunction. These include type 2 diabetes, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, and cancers of the breast, ovary, uterus, and prostate, among others. It turns out that our hormones are often under the influence of food choices. For example, dietary fat influences insulin sensitivity. Dietary fat and fiber influence plasma estrogen concentrations. The potential effects on human health and implications for practice will be discussed.

4:45 - 5:00 

Closing Remarks

Sheri-Lynn DeMaris and Charlie Szoradi

Can we count on you?

It's only through people and organizations like you that this event is possible!  Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support this event, not only this year's, but also in the future!

Show Your Support Now!

Saturday, October 21 (all virtual)

8:30 - 9:00


The registration area is in the lobby of the second floor. Just follow the signs! Please bring your ticket, either in paper or mobile form. Come at 8:30 and start networking with other like-minded people!

9:00 - 9:45

Progress Over Perfection

William Duffy, MD, Clinical Associate Professor, Internal Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

What should you consider if you are interested in making the change to plant-based nutrition. Learn how Dr. Duffy transitioned his diet and how he assists his patients to change their nutrition and lives for the better. You will also hear how he teaches medical students food, nutrition and life skills which benefit them and their patients.

9:45 - 10:00


Use this time to stretch, make a phone call, visit our sponsor tables, and network with event coordinators, speakers, and other attendees!  Or take a few minutes to exercise with Alan Johnson, Founder of Family Phys.Ed. and CEO of Play DoGood, Inc.! 

10:00 - 10:40

Creating Individual and Community-Supported Organic Farms

Kegan Hilaire, Farmer, Blackbird Farms; Small Farm Consultant, Rodale Institute

Refrigeration and transportation of our food across long distances as well as ground pollution from commercial pesticides and fertilizers effects all us. Growing an organic garden and or supporting local community farms through CSAs is a win win situation for not only our personal health but the health of our planet.  Join our panel of farm experts as they share information on organic gardening and community supported agriculture (CSAs ).

Rocks: A New Frontier in Sustainability

Richard Campbell, President, The Geological Agriculture Institute LLC

Geological agriculture or GeoAg is the novel study and application of growing plants to maturity in rocks from the hardware store without the use of soil and fertilizers. Patent, Copywrite and Trademark owner and Founder of the Geological Agriculture Institute of Miami (formerly To Soil Less) and the Academic Association of Geological Agriculture Research (AAGAR), Richard Campbell, will share insights into the team of more than 150 Ph.D. researchers from some of America's top HBCUs who are re-investigating and refining this new use of rock for agriculture and other purposes. Campbell will share sustainability research outcomes from the 3rd Annual Geological Agriculture Global Virtual Conference held in May 2023, where 29 speakers presented their GeoAg research and lifestyle applications to global viewers, offering a wide range of methods and practices to address the United Nations' sustainable development goals (SDGs).

"Wild Foods" Are The Solution

Lynn Landes, Founder, Wildfoodies.org and Renae Buono

Learn about the unexpected opportunities right under your feet for food and medicinal plants. Renae Buono, the founder of Main Line Nature Guides, will share highlights on the environMENTAL HEALTH from outdoor experiences and then introduce Lynn Landes, the founder of WildFoodies.org. Lynn is a foraging expert who has conducted hundreds of education tours since 2010 of wild plants for food, fiber, medicine, and more. Wild foodies has over 6,600 meetup participants, and you will leave this presentation with a wealth of information about indigenous plant resources, many of which you can also grow easily right at home.

10:40 - 10:50


Use this time to stretch, make a phone call, visit our sponsor tables, and network with event coordinators, speakers, and other attendees! Or take a few minutes to exercise with Alan Johnson, Founder of Family Phys.Ed. and CEO of Play DoGood, Inc.! 

10:50 - 11:35 

How to Cook with Organic, Whole, Plant-based Foods

Sheri-Lynn DeMaris, Author, TV Host, Film Director, Co-Founder, Macrobiotic Global Institute

Scientific studies in nutrition and the new food pyramid have highlighted the power of organic, whole, plant-based foods to prevent and even reverse health conditions. Join Sheri in the Future of Food Kitchen as she demonstrates how to create simple, beautiful, delicious dishes using organic, whole, plant-based foods that you can easily begin to cook at home.

FUTURE FOOD Right at Home by Growing Microgreens in Rocks

Charlie Szoradi, President, the Agrarian Group

Join Charlie Szoradi to learn about one of the most cost effective and environmentally friendly ways to produce superfood right at home. Charlie is the President of the Agrarian Group and one of the instructors for the nonprofit Student Farmer.org. This presentation includes actionable ways for you to start growing fresh, nutritious, and affordable food at home right now. Charlie will also address paths to help solve the challenges of food deserts in underserved communities through in-home and in-community local food cultivation.

Panel: Farm to Healthcare

Breah Banks, Farmer Manager/Educator, Deaver Wellness Farm at the Lankenau Medical Center

Ian Frederick, Farm Manager, Trailside Organic Farm--Cornwall Manor

Farm to Healthcare is an exciting venture created to offer organic produce to patients and staff of hospitals and nursing homes.   Current model programs at St. Lukes’ University Health Network supported by an organic farm through Rodale Institute and Lankenau Hospital supported by a year round farm through Greener Partners  are serving as models for these  innovative programs.  Learn from panel members how these new innovative approaches are helping so many individuals in the health care field. Join in becoming an inspiration for your health care leaders by encouraging them to become involved and create farm to institution models in their own communities.

11:35 - 12:15

Networking Lunch and Presentation of MGI "Leader in Sustainability" Award

Join us to celebrate this year's Leader in Sustainability Award winner, Jim Lyons, Co-Owner of Blue Moon Acres Farm!  Our generous food sponsors are bringing samples so you can enjoy a light lunch as you network!  

12:15 - 1:00

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing How We Grow Food

FX Rouxel, CEO and Founder, Gardyn

Growing up in southern France, FX vividly remembers the incredible taste of fresh produce. It was easy to find in small markets, harvested just a few hours before. Today’s food paradigm is on the wrong track, and course correction is a tall order. FX will walk through what motivated him to create a system that empowers individuals to grow their produce free of pesticides and single-use plastics—loaded with more nutrients and better for our planet. FX spent years researching and evolving a solution that uses the latest hydroponic innovations to grow plants vertically without soil in a very small footprint of just 2 square feet. With over 40,000 units sold, Gardyn is enabling everyone to enjoy indoor vertical gardens that care for themselves and provide large quantities of amazingly tasty and nutritious produce.

1:00 - 1:10


Use this time to stretch, make a phone call, visit our sponsor tables, and network with event coordinators, speakers, and other attendees! Or take a few minutes to exercise with Alan Johnson, Founder of Family Phys.Ed. and CEO of Play DoGood, Inc.! 

1:10 - 1:55 

Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Without Using Sugar

Chef AJ, TV and Podcast Personality

Did you know that many Americans eat over 150 pounds of sugar per person per year? Chef AJ hasn't eaten any sugar in over 20 years so clearly someone is eating her share. In this fun and informative culinary demo, Chef AJ will teach you how to satisfy your sweet tooth without using sugar, using the fruit, the whole fruit and nothing but the fruit. All recipes are not only vegan but gluten free and free of sugar, oil and salt.

1:55 - 2:05 


Use this time to stretch, make a phone call, visit our sponsor tables, and network with event coordinators, speakers, and other attendees! Or take a few minutes to exercise with Alan Johnson, Founder of Family Phys.Ed. and CEO of Play DoGood, Inc.! 

2:05 - 2:50

Let's Clear Up the Confusion About the Proper Food for Optimal Well-being

Steven Acuff, Author of Eating the Wu Way for a Longer, Healthier Life

Clearing up the confusion about what is and isn't healthy, starting with the greatest myth of them all, namely dairy products and calcium. Another myth is low carb for better health, now a hot topic with the popularity of the misleading ketogenic diet. Also the myth that food can supply all nutrient needs without supplements and then some specific food myths such as tomatoes to prevent cancer.

Optimizing FOOD as Fuel for Better Performance

John New

Join John New, the author of the upcoming book, 98 OCTANE, to learn about how to optimize food as fuel to increase performance of your body. Just as a vehicle performs better with high-octane gasoline, our bodies need the right type and mix of food to perform at their peak. John is the founder of CYTO PHL, a former U.S. Army Captain, the Executive Chairman of The Agrarian Group, and the holder of multiple U.S. patents for controlled environment agriculture. You will learn more than you expect about food as fuel!

Regenerative Healthcare: The Impact of Regenerative Organic Agriculture on Soil Health & Human Health

Nadine Clopton, Program Manager, Rodale Institute

We are part of a deeply interconnected living, breathing ecosystem. The health of our soil and planet is not separate from the health of our own bodies.  Regenerative healthcare is a vision for the future in which healthy farming practices inform a prevention-based approach to human health. Rather than relying on toxic chemical inputs to solve agricultural issues and pharmaceutical intervention to cure disease, regenerative healthcare aims to prevent disease through an organic, whole-foods diet that starts on farms that work in harmony with nature.   Learn about Rodale Institute's partnerships, programming, and focused research on how food, and the way food is produced, can regenerate human health, communities, and the earth. 

2:50 - 3:00


Use this time to stretch, make a phone call, visit our sponsor tables, and network with event coordinators, speakers, and other attendees! Or take a few minutes to exercise with Alan Johnson, Founder of Family Phys.Ed. and CEO of Play DoGood, Inc.! 

3:00 - 3:30

MGI Africa

Lorraine McCamley, Executive Coach, Author, Co-Founder, Macrobiotic Global Institute

Since 2019, Lorraine has had the honor of getting to know and collaborate with the upcoming generations of leaders across sub-Saharan Africa through the Mandela Washington Fellowship. In Lorraine's session, you will hear about the Macrobiotic Global Institute's partnership with respected leaders from many African countries to develop an impactful curriculum focused on leadership development, macrobiotic principles related to food as medicine, and economic emplowerment.

Innovative Physical Eduation Program fo Families

Alex Johnson, Founder, Family Phys. Ed.; CEO, Play DoGood, Inc.

oin Alex Johnson as he discusses innovative ways to keep families active and engaged!

3:30 - 3:45


Use this time to stretch, make a phone call, visit our sponsor tables, and network with event coordinators, speakers, and other attendees! Or take a few minutes to exercise with Alan Johnson, Founder of Family Phys.Ed. and CEO of Play DoGood, Inc.! 

3:45 - 4:45

Your Food Revolution

Ocean Robbins, Co-Founder and CEO, Food Revolution Network

When it comes to food and your health, the stakes are rising exponentially. A toxic food culture is fueling epidemic rates of chronic illness. If there’s ever been a time when we need to stay informed and take a stand, it’s right now. But there’s great news, too. You can radically extend your life span and decrease your chances of getting cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease and many other ailments - deliciously. Join Food Revolution Network CEO Ocean Robbins for a candid and inspiring look at the truth about food, heartwarming stories that illustrate the power of the human spirit, and practical insights to help you be part of the solution on planet Earth.

4:45 - 5:00 

Closing Remarks

Sheri-Lynn DeMaris and Charlie Szoradi